Templeton Academy


631 2nd Ave. S Nashville, TN 37210


Grades: 5-12
Enrollment: 125, Boys/Girls/Nonbinary: 61/47/19
Faculty: 16
Accreditation: MSA-CESS

Mrs. Kalee Willingham Barbis

Mrs. Tee Wilson

Templeton Academy was founded to revolutionize the way Students learn by mentoring the critical thinking and problem-solving skills they need to thrive in college, career, and life. We welcome young people from all backgrounds and seek to nurture them into purpose-driven lifelong learners who use their gifts in a way that brings them joy and serves others. Templeton Academy focuses on Core Advisory, Project Based Learning (PBL), and Field Work. In Core Advisory, Students work to master critical skills such as resourcefulness, conscientiousness, creativity, curiosity, resilience, persistence, stress management and time management. For PBL, students create authentic products that mirror real-world experiences and represent the subject matter at an in-depth and personal level. In terms of Field Work, students use the city as a classroom and are off campus throughout the month. Some students choose to study abroad as well. With partner schools in DC and across the world, Nashville's campus was founded in 2019 and we look forward to continuing to serve the Nashville community.